The honey bee


The Kidneys' Flawless Purification System

It is no easy task to invent a machine just 10 cm (4 in) in size and then establish a system to purify the blood, water, and other fluids inside it. A whole factory would be needed to accomplish these tasks. Even if one managed to do this in such a small space, the performance and results would still be inadequate. One might manage to purify water or other fluids, but doing so for blood, which is essential for human beings, has not yet been achieved in such a small device.
However, all human beings are actually perfect examples of this special purification system, thanks to the kidneys, each one of which is about 10 cm (4 in) in size and weighs 100 grams (3.5 ounce). This small space harbors around 1 million micro-purifiers that constantly clean the blood, which carries everything that makes continued life possible, and regulate the density of the water that reaches all of your cells and tissues. The kidneys, which know how much fluid is in your tissues as well as its level of concentration, carry out the necessary adjustments by His will so that we can go on living without difficulty.
Everybody more or less knows what happens when the kidneys fail to function: the person is hooked up to a dialysis machine several times a week until a new kidney can be transplanted. When the machine can no longer fulfill its purpose, the person dies. This example puts into stark relief the importance and miraculous aspect of this extraordinary purification plant. How can any logical person suggest, even though no scientist has ever been able to replicate this perfect organ, that it emerged by chance?
This extraordinarily detailed and flawless system represents the artistry of Allah, Who created humanity with a flawless perfection. This organ alone is enough for a person to see His greatness and turn to faith:
He has given you everything for which you have asked Him. If you tried to number Allah’s blessings, you could never count them. Humanity is indeed wrongdoing, ungrateful. (Surah Ibrahim, 34)
The Superior Detail That Permits Life under the Ice
People seldom wonder why water is transparent, how sand can become transparent glass and play an important role in our lives, or how a giant ship can sail without sinking. So familiar to us are all these things that perhaps no one has ever wondered what would happen if sand did not turn into glass at a sufficiently high temperature. A little consideration of such things will show that they have all been equipped with similar and sometimes vital details.
One such detail is water. At sub-zero temperatures, water turns into ice. This is just one of many natural phenomenon in our lives, and yet this transformation violates the known laws of physics. The special details in water, created by Allah for a specific purpose, are one of the reasons why life on Earth exists.
All known substances contract as their temperatures fall. As liquids contract and lose volume, their densities increase and their cold parts become heavier. This is why matter’s solid state is always heavier than its liquid state. We can cite the liquid and solid states of steel as an example of this. Contrary to all other known liquids, however, water contracts until it reaches a specific temperature (+4°C), after which it begins to expand until it freezes. Thus, water’s solid state is lighter than its liquid state. As a result, according to normal physical laws, ice should sink instead of floating. This is why the lower parts of frozen seas and lakes are covered in water at 4 degrees, which makes it possible for life to survive. If ice did not float, then most of the water on Earth would freeze entirely, no life would be left in any body of water, and the planet’s ecological equilibrium would be irreparably damaged. In other words, life as we know it would come to an end.
This important detail, an amazing blessing for human beings, makes those who are aware of it more sensitive to the blessings created by Allah, the Creator of each physical law. However, He can create without physical causes, if He wills to do so, and is not bound by any law or rule. His sublime, detailed artistry prevails throughout all of creation:
Is He Who creates like him who does not create? So will you not pay heed? If you tried to number Allah’s blessings, you could never count them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat al-Nahl, 17-18)
The Body’s Special Cleaning Unit
Cells are constantly nourished, multiply, and die in a miraculous manner, because each one has been created in such a way that it can copy, feed, and destroy itself. Dead cells need to be gathered and removed from the body. A series of proteins eliminate themselves when cells need to be eliminated. While the cell is useful to the body and fully functioning, these proteins are dormant. When it ages, however, or becomes sick, non-functioning, or malignant, these killer proteins are sent to kill it. The cell takes the right precautions at the right time, with the result that healthy cells remain alive while sick and elderly ones are constantly eliminated. The body always remains healthy, and dead cells are quickly replaced.
A very large number of elements have to combine in order for human beings to remain alive. Yet the individual remains unaware of these elements and the perfect system of regulation. Just when particular cells need to be manufactured and eliminated is decided with perfect timing and order, beyond human will and knowledge, because Allah, Who created them, supervises and controls them.
Each blessing bestowed upon humanity has a special purpose. When people realize that everything has been created with a direct cause and within a flawless system, and then bestowed upon them as a blessing, they will better comprehend His infinite Might and see the surrounding truth and beauty more clearly. The all-important truth is that Almighty Allah has created everything they possess and maintains these by His will. Allah’s mercy on humanity is very great:
Were it not for Allah’s favor to you and His mercy ... and that Allah is All-Gentle, Most Merciful. (Surat al-Nur, 20)
The Brain’s Impeccable Communication Network
Each glance, thought, or detection of a smell begins in our brain. The relevant nerves interpret the transmitted message via an electrical current. When we look at a glass, we recognize it as a glass only because the brain’s nerves interpret it as such. When we think about something, these nerves establish coordination with and pass electrical currents through each other. We imagine that the image of the glass forms in our brain; however, this image reaches the brain solely as an electrical signal. Moreover, the brain does not contain the slightest trace of this image. In other words, we perceive the outside world only through the processes taking place among these nerve cells. This being the case, the facts that 10 billion nerve cells have been carefully placed within the brain, are means by which everything related to us is controlled, and that they allow us to perceive a vivid world are great miracles. Such miracles are simple things for Almighty Allah, Who created humanity as well as the causes in question from nothing.
This system is a great secret that we are still striving to unravel. At a time when no scientist can claim to fully understand the brain and when the whole system points to a sublime creation, how can anyone seriously assert that blind chance is a creative force? With His mercy, Allah continually reminds us of His might and sublime creative artistry by means of the entities He creates. Believers who see and understand all of this will attain salvation in this world and in the Hereafter.
Everyone in the heavens and Earth requests His aid. Every day He is engaged in some affair. So which of your Lord’s blessings do you both then deny? (Surat al-Rahman, 29-30)
The Superior Detail in the White Shark’s Eyes
White sharks, which catch their prey by following it with their eyes, easily move around hot coral reefs. However, cold water causes them great trouble, for it usually retards chemical processes. But its eyes somehow manage to follow its fast-moving prey in cold ocean waters.
As we have seen many times before, Allah created an incomparable and amazing solution to this supposed problem: unlike the white shark itself, its eyes are not cold-blooded. As a result, the heat of its bodily muscles is transmitted directly to the eyes, thereby allowing it to catch fast-moving fish and even seals with great ease.
There are many thought-provoking details related to how a cold-blooded animal that cannot store heat in its body can transmit heat to its eyes. Such an incredible system shows once again that the works and power of Almighty Allah, Who created the animal’s habitat and its special equipment, prevail everywhere. This example of sublime creation is a great blessing for humanity, because all of the proofs in and around people enable them to see and comprehend His sublime existence. The presence in a white shark of such a complex and detailed system, of which the animal itself is unaware, reminds us of His existence.
Every proof of creation is a reason for people to draw closer to Allah and praise Him. The more they reflect upon these clear beauties and blessings, the more they will comprehend His Greatness. Any rational and conscious person can see the blessings that surround them; thus, they should constantly reflect on the fact that these are all reminders from Allah:
It is He Who is Allah in heaven and on Earth. He is the All-Wise, the All-Knowing. Blessed be Him to Whom belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and Earth and everything in between them. The knowledge of the Hour is with Him. You will be returned to Him. (Surat al-Zukhruf, 84-85)
The Flawless System in a Single Cell
Our bodies contain an estimated 30,000 different proteins. Amazingly, the functions of only 2% of them have been fully unraveled; the remaining 98% carry out very important but still unknown tasks. Just a single cell possesses more than 1 billion different kinds of proteins. At a rate of 1 per second, it would take 32 years to count, non-stop and without making any mistakes, all of the proteins contained in just one cell. If we add in such physical needs as sleeping and eating, we would certainly die before we could count all the cell’s proteins.
This complex creation is as it is solely because Allah wills it to be so. Everyone needs to know and see from these examples that Allah is powerful enough to create everything, and that no person has any real power over even a single cell. Every created entity and every flawless detail they possess, and even humanity itself, are great miracles.
People need to activate and then use their conscience to see and evaluate Allah’s blessings and understand the message they impart. However, sincere individuals can see and appreciate the sublimity in creation by looking at the countless details surrounding them:
It is He Who has created hearing, sight, and hearts for you. What little thanks you show! It is He Who dispersed you about Earth, and you will be gathered to Him. It is He Who gives life and causes to die, and His is the alternation of the night and day. So will you not use your intellect? (Surat al-Mu’minun, 78-80)
The Perfect Detail in Message-Transmitting Cells
The brain’s flawless system is, by itself, sufficient for us to realize His sublimity. As we stated above, it contains more than 100 billion nerve cells.1 In order for us to perceive, see, and feel our surroundings, communication has to be established among these 100 billion nerve cells. This is done by somehow making a total of 100 trillion connections.
The brain’s 100 billion cells communicate via 100 trillion connections. By His will, these connections take place by means of various electron-bearing enzymes.
The means by which this astonishing level of communication is established are exceedingly effective. A special fluid located between the nerve cells contains certain highly specialized chemical enzymes that make electron transport possible. When the electrical signal reaches a nerve ending, electrons are loaded onto these enzymes and then transmitted to other nerves by floating through the fluid between the nerves. The electrical current thus continues to flow by passing on to the next cell. This process takes place in microseconds and with no interruption in the electrical current.
If one of these enzymes fails to perform its function, the transmitted message cannot reach the brain. In other words, although you were looking at your hand, its image would fail to reach your brain.
Moreover, if the enzymes stopped functioning for any reason, the brain’s 100 billion nerve cells would also cease functioning. If these enzymes decided to distribute the massage randomly rather than taking it where it needs to go, the resulting chaos would overturn the entire sensory system and paralyze contact with the outside world.
According to the evolutionists’ logic, which regards everything as purely coincidental, such constant chaos should be unavoidable because conscious entities do not direct this special system. If, as they maintain, everything happens randomly, then countless consecutive chaotic events should occur during any random communication taking place in the cells. However, apart from the most exceptional circumstances, no such mental chaos ever arises and the whole system functions without error. These completely undermine the evolutionists’ logic. Enzymes are always on duty and do not make mistakes. Such a matchless task carried out by unconscious entities made up of proteins can only be inspired by Allah.
Every nerve in the brain and every enzyme, protein, and electron is the work of Allah. The example described here is just one of the countless details created by the One Who controls all entities at every moment and enfolds them with His mercy at all times:
It is Allah Who created the heavens with no support–you can see them–and cast firmly embedded mountains on Earth so that it would not move under you, and scattered about in it creatures of every kind. And We send down water from the sky and make every generous species grow in it. This is Allah’s creation. Show me, then, what those besides Him have created! The wrongdoers are clearly misguided. (Surah Luqman, 10-11)
Snowflakes: An Incomparable Miracle
The molecules and atoms that make up a substance assume their most regular forms when in a solid state. The shapes to which they give rise by bonding with each other are three-dimensional geometrical forms, the angles of which have specific rations in the successive prisms they produce. There is never any error, deviation, or alteration in this. If the atoms in a substance as small as 1 in 1 millionth of 3 cm (1.2 in) possess the perfect and flawless geometrical regularity in question, then that substance must be a crystal.
A snowflake is a crystal that begins forming around a minute dust particle that is just a few microns in size. This microscopic shape is hexagonal, and the crystal that forms grows by extending tiny arms from its corners. The crystal grows as the air chills and the environment changes, and capillary structures soon appear on the emerging structure. A snowflake’s atoms are attached to each other by loose bonds that cause crystals to bind to each other in different shapes. This difference is so great that it is difficult even to imagine the odds of two identical snowflakes falling to Earth.
Let’s consider the number of snowflakes that fall during just one year. We can barely estimate the number of snowflakes that fall during a single snow storm in just one area. Literally trillions of snowflakes falls every year, and all of them have different shapes. How is such an amazing miracle possible? Clearly, Allah creates every detail to display an extraordinary property. Who but Allah, the Creator of the universe, has the power to create such an immense diversity and then display His perfectly delicate artistry in microscopic details? Allah exhibits His might and the beauties He creates by displaying His artistic detail in all snowflakes, which fall as a blessing and source of beauty:
In the alternation of night and day, and in what Allah has created in the heavens and Earth, there are Signs for people who guard against evil. (Surah Yunus, 6)
There are countless proofs of Allah on display. In order to see these, people must turn to Him sincerely so that He may strengthen their sight, understanding, and appreciation. Otherwise, they will become blind and remain unaware of the beauty of the blessings bestowed. If this is the case, they will suffer disappointment in the Hereafter. Such a fate can be avoided only by turning to Allah, the true Lord of all exquisite blessings, with full sincerity of heart.

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The colors of plants

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Life light and color

Colors under the sea